Cuppa Swing:
We are a community swing dance, meeting about every other week in Saxby's Coffee Shop in Newark, DE, during the summer and other times when the University of Delaware is not in session. During the school year, the Swing Club at UD hosts weekly swing dances, which are also free and open to the public.Upcoming Events:
Lindy & Blues Dance! Free (no cover), and free lesson:
Friday, January 21, 2011
7:00pm - 10:00pm: Lesson 7-8, Dance 8-10
Saxby's Coffee (Map)
57 Elkton Rd. (Amstel Ave. Near Elkton Rd, free parking behind building)
Newark, DE 19711
Visit this event's Facebook event to RSVP if you'd like!
Other Nearby Swing Scenes:
Philadelphia: Lindy & Blues
Baltimore: Charm City Swing and ChileSwing
York, PA: York Swing
Lancaster, PA: Lancaster Swing Dance Club
We offer regular carpools from Newark, DE to nearby events, especially the Monday and Tuesday night dances in Philadelphia and sometimes Baltimore. Contact us if interested.
Other Delaware Dancing:
Salsa at Timothy's in Newark, Wednesday Nights